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blog ideas 2

blog ideas chat gpt

Prompt: I create a blog about [TOPIC] set to [AUDIENCE]. Come up with 10 ideas that I can write about on my blog. Suggest 3 topics for each idea.

2. Prompt: I want to start a blog. I’m interested in [TOPIC]. Give me 5 topic areas and 10 specific blog post ideas for each.

3. Prompt: List 20 ideas for blog posts to help me promote my latest product [NAME AND SHORT DESCRIPTION]. Every blog post idea should target a specific search engine keyword: Provide keywords.

ChatGPT encourages you to craft the perfect theme
Maybe you have an idea in mind or even written a full post. Coming up with a great SEO theme or theme can be challenging. You also want something that performs well for search engines and resonates with readers.

ChatGPT can help you here. Try these presentations.

4. Prompt: I am writing a blog post based on the keyword “[KEYWORD]”. Come up with 10 possible theme ideas. Each title should include precise keywords. Total titles should not exceed 60 characters.

5. Prompt: Come up with 5 good title options for my blog post whose working title is “[TITLE]”. The new title must include exactly the keyword “[KEYWORD]”. The total score should not exceed 60 characters.

6. Prompt: I am writing a blog post about [TOPIC]. Come up with 10 possible titles that all include the specific keyword “food plan”. Total titles should not exceed 60 characters in length.

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